Saturday, March 11, 2006

wings spreading

We had our first rehearsal Thursday night, this little threesome that has resulted from my call for singers. The two woman who have stuck it out through weeks of email coordination and informational meet-and-greets are pretty much exactly what I was looking for and more. I'm still shaking my head at the good fortune. We had prepared a few songs for rehearsal and blew through them, so we learned a few more on spot. We were all reeling over the sounds we were making. Yay chemistry! Lots of possibilities here. I'm so grateful to feel excited about singing again!


eliza said...

FABULOUS. i am thrilled that the singing is as juicy as the lead-up was promising. thrilled. and the at-your-own-pace, running-walking approach sounds great. way to gently start something new with respect for yourself where you are right now. (who needs an inner high school gym teacher?) well done.

McPolack said...

That's how I started to run. Now I'm up to 6 miles without stopping. You don't have to be a stick to do it...I'm just have to do it.